◊ Waking the Intonarumori

If we have a SETI program, then they probably do, too.

Each episode of Waking the Intonarumori is dedicated to the aliens of one of our neighboring exoplanets, who (if they're listening) will have to wait some time to hear us. How long? Here's a list of known habitable exoplanets* and how long until they receive our signal:

Transmissions on this date will reach the aliens:

Exoplanet Distance (Light Years) Transmission arrives
Proxima Centauri b 4.2465
Ross 128 b 11.007
Gliese 1061 c 11.984
Gliese 1061 d 11.984
Luyten b 12.348
Teegarden's Star b 12.497
Teegarden's Star c 12.497
Wolf 1061c 14.050
Gliese 1002 b 15.806
Gliese 1002 c 15.806
Gliese 229 Ac 18.791
Gliese 625 b 21.131
Gliese 667 Cc 23.623
Gliese 514 b 24.878
Gliese 433 d 29.605
Gliese 357 d 30.776
Wolf 1069 b 31.229
L 98-59 f 34.599
Ross 508 b 36.59
Gliese 180 c 38.972
Gliese 180 d 38.972
TRAPPIST-1d 40.66
TRAPPIST-1e 40.66
TRAPPIST-1f 40.66
TRAPPIST-1g 40.66
HD 40307 g 42.179
Gliese 163 c 49.36
LHS 1140 b 48.80
HIP 38594 b 57.99809
HD 216520 c 63.75702
Gliese 3293 d 65.91
TOI-700 d 101.61
LP 890-9 c 105.4
TOI-715 b 138.4858
TOI-2257 b 188.805
K2-288Bb 226.0261
K2-72e 216.9
K2-9b 271.232
Kepler-1649c 301.5
K2-332b 402
Kepler-186f 579
Kepler-22b 635
Kepler-296e 737
Kepler-296f 737
Kepler-1540b 799
Kepler-1652b 822
Kepler-1229b 865
Kepler-705b 903
Kepler-155c 957
Kepler-62e 981
Kepler-62f 981
Kepler-440b 981
Kepler-1544 b 1092
Kepler-442b 1193
Kepler-1410b 1196
Kepler-174d 1254
Kepler-283c 1526
Kepler-452b 1799
Kepler-1701b 1904
Kepler-1653b 2461
Kepler-443b 2615
Kepler-1606b 2710
Kepler-1638b 4973

*Exoplanet data from Wikipedia List of potentially habitable exoplanets
Data calculation .js code with assistance from Google's Gemini AI