fluxmonkey / bbob drake
Fluxmonkey is a kittylitter bucket full of sonic activities involving bbob drake, including electronic and electro-acoustic performance, recordings, synthesizer design and construction, and workshops on music tech and improvisation.
This site includes documentation of our projects (music/recordings, installations, etc.), stuff for sale (recordings, printed circuit boards) and various Workshops & DIY activities. For current information about gigs and tours, please follow us on Facebook.
Featured Printed Cirucit Boards For Sale:
MixChiclet - basic mixer/buffer/level shifter
- Tiny (1.825" x 0.7"), skiff-friendly
- Can be built with either through-hole or SMD parts
- DC-coupled for mixing CVs if required
- Can be battery powered for portable use
- Flexible building options
- Build docs & BOM
Random CV generator, based on Music Easel
- One pulse in, 4 different CVs out
- Reliable, CMOS/Shift-register based
- All components currently available, no unobtainium
- Easy way to add wacky to your patches!
- Full documentation here
Purchasing pages for all our PCBs: workshop/SDIY, and Buchla inspired.
Buchla 100/200 Series Documentation Pages
News and updates:
- Added a couple pages for Waking the Intonarumori, our weekly radio show on WCSB. Avant composed, improvised, and found musiks, erring Mondays, 9:00-11:00AM EST at 89.3FM in Cleveland, or at WCSB.org.
- Documentation about Dröhnen/Dröna (our new pipe organ installation), plus the Echoes of Brood V geolocated Cicada soundwalk, and various other sound art activities and installations in the new Sound Art/Installations section of the site.
- Our monthly Cleveland Deep Listening Circle has resumed regular in-person meetings, on the last Sunday of every month at the Waterloo Arts Gallery Cafe, 15601 Waterloo Rd., from 6:00 to 8:00 PM.
- All synth DIY PCBs are in stock & shipping! Including the Mix Chiclet mixer/utility board, Piezo Pre high-impedance matching preamp for piezo pickups, Utility LFO modulating oscillator, and the Ciat Lonbarde-designed Fourses (monster touchable noise synth). (Order here.)
- New PCBs based on the Buchla Dual Sine-Saw Osillator are now available; 144 Dual Square Wave Oscillator coming soon!
- High quality panels for our selection Historic Buchlish PCBs are still available from "The Beast" (see under "Collaborative" in his site menu).